00:00 / 00:00

Alex lets herself in and brings the mail, which includes a parcel, in with her. She notices the papers she's come to get on the end-table, and as she moves to put the mail down, the package falls on the floor. As she goes to retrieve it, the box opens and she sees there's a dildo inside. For whatever reason this is a huge turn-on for Alex, and with a quick look around she mutters to herself that Cory won't be home for hours. She makes her decision and hikes up (or removes) her skirt revealing that she's not wearing panties, only crotchless tights. Alex sits on the edge of the couch and after sucking the dildo a bit she starts to masturbate. Shortly, she begins to insert the dildo into her pussy softly saying to herself how good it feels and that she, "must... put it...all the way...in...". Immediately after she inserts the dildo fully she orgasms, then her face goes blank and she robotically says, "BE-GIN RO-BOT-IZ-A-TION" and snaps to attention with the dildo still in her pussy as she stands with her legs together arms at her sides staring straight ahead.

Cory's husband comes into the room looking for the mail, and as he picks it up he absent-mindedly says hi to Alex without paying attention to her condition. Alex replies, "RO-BOT-IZ-A-TION IN PRO-GRESS" which makes him drop the mail and spin around to actually see her for the first time. He walks over and takes a closer look, noticing her blank expression and that her pussy is exposed. Noticing the base of the dildo he reaches down to remove it, and as he does so Alex starts to march around jerkily saying, "MAL-FUNC-TION, MAL-FUNC-TION..." until she shuts down half bent over eyes crossed, mouth slightly open. He looks at the dildo and realizes that it's the robotizing dildo he'd ordered for Cory. He doesn't know all the features, but he knows there are different modes that can be activated by voice. He says, "Robot mode on.", and gets no response at all. As he stands next to her touching and moving her, he remembers another mode, "Toy soldier on." Alex snaps to attention, "TOY SOLD-IER. PLEASE WIND ME UP, MAS-TER." then she bends over incrementally as she winds down. Realizing how she has to be wound up he starts fucking her. After a bit she starts to straighten up a little after each thrust, then she begins to march around the room like a toy. He commands her to stop and blow him, she says "YES MAS-TER." bends at the waist and does just that.

As Alex blows him he plays with her nipples, which eventually gives her an orgasm and makes her snap to attention saying, "RO-BOT-IZ-A-TION COM-PLETE...I AM JUST A MECH-AN-I-CAL ROBOT...HOW MAY I SER-VICE YOU...MAS-TER...MAS-TER...MAL-FUNC-TION..." Realizing that since Alex didn't read the instructions, her robotization is buggy, he tries to reset her by pressing her clit. Alex's eyes go wide and she slowly bends over, "SHUT-TING DOWNnn.."; deciding that he'll at least get off once after all this he re-inserts the dildo to see if that will re-boot Alex.

"RO-BOT MODE" she says as she incrementally straightens up and as he lays on the floor he commands her to ride his cock until he cumms. Alex says, "YES MAS-TER" as she squats facing the camera. I'm assuming you want a cum shot, which will cause Alex to have a final malfunction, marching around jerkily saying, "MAL-FUNC-TION, MAL-FUNC-TION..." until she shuts down half bent over eyes crossed, mouth slightly open. He takes the opportunity to giver a facial and a moment after he leaves Alex wakes up wondering WTF...

October 24, 2024